Notes from the In-Between

Welcome to my sacred and safe writing place, my blog.

Here you will encounter a collection of musings, poetry, essays, inspirations and whimsy.

I have never been disciplined enough to write a consistent blog, although I write daily, nor have I felt comfortable putting my work on the internet. I have felt the pains of withholding what bursts forth from me and I realized that I created this website as a sanctuary for myself, knowing that whoever came here might also feel the warmth of the hearth. Before writing, I revisited the first blog post I created from my first website in 2016. I chose to refresh these first words that I share below because they are still so true. The image conjured a memory of when I bought a Remington typewriter in upstate NY years ago from a retired writer’s estate sale with the romantic hope that I would use it to write. Alas, decades of nomadic living had me let it go. It feels like kismet to find this image as I begin again. The last decade or so has altered me in the best ways and it is only appropriate to reintroduce myself. We are meeting me together. Thank you for being here.

The first steps are often the most difficult to take. You are often reminded of a tiny child just learning how to walk. They use all of their focus and strength to lift their tiny bodies to full height. Then they wobble with airplane arms at their sides, scanning the room to see where they should go next. Often times, their desire to move is far greater than their capacity. Baby steps are followed with a crash, maybe setting them back a little bit farther. But, they keep trying. Perseverance is key. 

So here is my baby step. My first tiny steps into a whole new world. One where I am showing up vulnerable to be seen by the world for what feels like the very first time. I am sure that there will be moments when I am put right back on my behind with legs splayed out in front of me, head hanging to my chest. And yet, I am sure that other times I will be running towards some unseen finish line, knowing full well that there never really is a finish line. Because our work is never finished. We just continue to evolve into something else. Each minute, hour, day, week, month, year is a beautiful celebration of this messy thing called Life. And now I am going to share my musings about this mess here, on a blog. I am very much ready to learn, and I have no doubt that I will. I am ready to share. Step one: Publish this blog. Step two: Wobble around a bit. Step three: Wait and see what happens. 

I acknowledge that I sometimes anticipate that my physical vessel can move much faster when I am given such big inspiration and vision from Spirit. I was born via cesarean section and I am well-versed in how our birth story has a profound affect on our growth and life experiences. Shortly after entering the world, I was placed in an incubator, a tiny chickling still requiring the heat to keep me alive. Perhaps I have always been waiting for someone to come and take me out of a situation, or rescue me, or guide me because of this introductory experience? Or, perhaps I need the touch of the flame to use me like kindling until I ignite? While I have been fiercely independent and somewhat bull-headed about the direction I would take in life, I have also been profoundly capable of taking care of pushing myself through the fires of life. It would only take a determined act of will power to launch me through the birth canal into a new world where I would thus claim my own agency as a creator and writer, alchemist of words and ideas, bard of musical lyricism and defender of truth and integrity: a divine pen. I only ever wanted to free my own voice. The year of the snake, 2025, calls us to task. To launch forward. To remember that this life is precious. To be bold. To learn to harness the power of courage in the face of fear, the great catalyst.

May we all link arms as we navigate this great unknown together and embrace the liminal, the intangible, the great and terrible beauty of aliveness.

If my art, my words, touch you in some way, perhaps you will consider donating to support this ongoing endeavor to share with the world.




Cypress Embrace