Stay tuned for various classes, workshops and trainings.
All will be listed on my Calendly page that you can access here.

Maura rightfully described our workshop on Saturday as a deep dive into some uncharted territory. I noticed that I - without thinking - referred to “our” workshop. That is because it was an intensely personal experience for each of us as attendees, with Maura, and her unique soothing spirit, serving as an open and generous guide. For me personally, it was a powerful first step along a path to self-discovery that I now feel compelled to begin. After a lifetime of focusing on family and work responsibilities and internalizing hurt and fear and emotions, I know it is time to unearth the buried pain, mourn that which was lost, shed the stifled tears and slough off the hard shell. I am ready to explore the essence of who I am and really learn to love myself. I want to open my heart to others and what is good in this world. I want to know and grow that strength which is within me and that I will inevitably need on the remainder of my journey in this life. I am thankful to have had Maura come into my life. I have no idea what this journey will entail, but I am comforted that she will be there if I need her. She has training and experience, but most of all she is a loving, intuitive and giving soul with whom I feel completely secure. (Thank you!)
T.M. (USA)
I signed up for Inner Teacher Training because it sounded like a great way to maybe get to know myself, meet new people, and share what you are going through. I honestly came back each week a different person. I reacted better in stressful situations and I found other ways to deal with stress. After this training, I know that I have more faith in myself and react better to stressful situations including speaking my mind when needed rather than just staying quiet. I think the last class affected me the most. In this day and age, it seems hard for kids and young adults to be able to accept themselves because of society’s standards, but I learned that we all have our own inner battles and when we share it makes it easier to understand situations. Maura is the sweetest, kindest woman I have ever met. I think she did an excellent job with this workshop and I am very happy to have gone through this experience with her.
F., age 19
My experience throughout the course (Inner Teacher Training) was constantly shedding layers of negativity and pain to positivity and peace, as cheesy as that sounds, the entire experience was phenomenal. Maura was a blessing for me, she actually made me feel welcome and the space is well-kept and very simple, nothing overbearing or too intricate to look at, everything is blissfully calm.”
Madison, age 18
I attended a five week workshop on self love. It was amazing as each week was a different, creative, beautiful experience where collectively and individually we discovered more about ourselves as we got to know one another. Maura is a gifted teacher who speaks the language of the heart.
Kim Howard Turpin
I had previously attended Reiki training, but, being familiar with Maura's special gifts, I jumped at the chance to attend her Reiki 1 training and gain additional knowledge. As usual, she did not disappoint. She made the entire day feel very sacred. I feel that the attunements she administered and the practical techniques she shared will greatly enhance my practice on myself and others. I highly recommend her training to yoga teachers, doctors, chiropractors, nurses, hospice workers - anyone who would like to add to the healing modalities they already offer their clients. I also recommend it to anyone who has previously had Reiki training as well as anyone who is just curious or has always thought they might like to try it. It can only enhance your life. Also, watch for Maura' workshops or cacao ceremonies. They, too, are unique, spiritually enlightening experiences. Maura is a kind, gentle soul with rare gifts. I have experienced and seen the results of the work she does with adults, teens and children. If your spirit or that of a loved one needs healing, reach out to her.
Terri McGovern
I participated in Maura's Reiki class in July of 2019. I was blown away by the powerful energy Maura brings to her all of her work. Her ability to hold space, intuitively read situations, and gently guide participants through all of the exercises was deeply appreciated. The class was intriguing and time passed by quickly as we were all so engaged in our new learning! I can't express in words my gratitude for all the healing that took place from my Reiki attunement! So much love to Maura for being called to teach Reiki! Maura is a powerful teacher, healer, intuitive, and leader. She has a divine connection with Spirit and is one of the most powerful Shamans I have met on my life's journey! This class superceded all of my expectations! I am so happy I was called to complete Reiki 1 with Maura and have seen a huge shift within myself from my daily Reiki practice. Thank you, Maura.
Kimberly Campolattaro
Maura holds such beautiful and attuned space in her Omen Days journey, encouraging the participants to connect with their hearts and with the synchronicities all around…with the nature elements and guardian spirits that are always guiding us that we may usually miss without the daily inspiration and sweet container of Omen Days. Each day she shares a thoughtful prompt to contemplate and journal, as well as a spirit card pulling and magical synchronicities that occur during the Omen Days journey. They usually fit in perfectly with the theme of the days. Thank you Maura for guiding us on this heart journey and reminding us that we’re all connected and to keep seeing the magic and signs all around.
Nic, Bali
I really enjoyed the process. I wasn’t sure what I was in for, just that I wanted to do the new year differently and I really enjoyed the added attentiveness and connection Omen Days gave. Spending that time looking for signs, symbols and stories with a group of other people felt like a blessing. It helped me to slow down and appreciate a time of year often filled with rush and really feel into the year ahead, my hopes, desires and dreams in a light touch way that felt like such a balm to my soul.
Phoenix, Australia