Writing with the Wild

Writing with the Wild came about through repeated messages that I received while spending time outside as well as during meditation. I have always had a gift of being able to communicate with animals, plants and the more-than-human world, yet I kept it to myself. After the crossing over of my beloved golden retriever, Blue, in 2019, the messages became louder and I was guided to make this a priority in my life to be a voice for these emissaries and to help others remember how to connect. In 2024, I led weekly classes that held the space for various beings who had messages for the human world. They were divided by their specific teachings.

As this is a contemplative practice, to gain the most benefit, I encourage you to listen with headphones or in a quiet space. Materials needed: pen and paper, or if you’d like to draw, paint or watercolor. It can be supportive to have water or something to drink. For some people, the messages come through as full writing such as letter, poem or journal. Others may go on a quiet inner journal and be given images to create with. There is no right or wrong way. Even if you are not familiar with the animal, plant, crystal or flower that has arrived, I invite you to trust your intuition and the messages that come through. If you feel called, you can research more later. The messages all begin with trust.

Each class is set up as follows:

  • Welcome message for the theme followed by a grounding mediation.

  • Guided imagery to meet the first being followed by 10 minutes of quiet writing time.

  • We then flow into the next 3 beings with the same design: guided imagery followed by 10 minutes of writing.

  • Because the classes were recorded from a live experience, the last portion is participants sharing their insights and experiences. I have chosen to keep this so that others might connect some commonalities.

  • You can listen to the classes broken into sections or complete the full 60-75 minutes.

  • Stay tuned for more live offerings on my Calendly page.

You can purchase the recordings of these classes below and receive your messages directly through the guidance offered.

“Let go of needing to know it all and be right. Let go and allow the wisdom to come forth. Where I lead you can follow. Where you lead, others will follow.” Owl

Keepers of Wisdom
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Keepers of Joy
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Keepers of Strength
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Keepers of Harmony
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Keepers of Peace
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Keepers of Forgiveness
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Keepers of Stability
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Keepers of Change
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Keepers of Light
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  • I’ve always viewed Maura as an epitome of spiritual connection. I am so grateful to have her be a part of my wellness journey the last 10 years. The last two weeks of Writing with the Wild has been something that my heart was craving and has come to really benefit me. It is amazing the creativity and messages these plants and animals have to deliver. Maura does a great job at creating a space where you become grounded and connected even countries away. If you have a chance to join this journey with her, I highly recommend it. I am very excited to see where the rest of these four weeks take me along with any future classes that become available!

    Fox, USA

  • Writing with the Wild is a beautiful way to deepen your connection with not just nature but yourself. Maura creates a beautiful, safe container for someone to connect with our animal and nature spirit friends. She has a deep and powerful connection to nature and brings this connection into her teachings. I received many messages from the animals, plants and beings as to the next direction and steps of my life. I gained greater clarity around answers I have been seeking and feel a tremendous amount of support from the spirit realm as I take my next steps on my journey. It was a beautiful process to witness and participate in and I look forward to future classes. Thank you, Maura.

    Kim, USA